Esc Key Not Working in Windows 10 – Here How to Fix

Escape key or Esc key on the keyboard makes me an exit option to allow you to move out of any software window. It’s an effortless way to get out of any computer software, but what if you press it by mistake. You cannot take a risk when you are performing some important task on your PC. If you accidentally press the Escape key while using an application, then you might lose some important data. If sometimes the Esc key on your keyboard is not working then we have few alternatives for you. 

Fix Esc Key Not Working in Windows 10

What to do if the Esc key is not working on Windows 10. 

1. Keep a check on the PC drivers.

The keyboard driver in your system converts the input from the keyboard for the operating system to read. If the Esc key is not working, then there might be a reason that the keyboard driver is not working well. Corrupted or crashed drivers can cause an issue. Going for any other method makes it better to opt for automatic driver update tools to quickly fix the driver’s working.

2. Update the keyboard driver.

You can try this method to fix the driver if in case it stops working. You can make it work by uninstalling the present driver and re-installing the new one. Let’s understand how it is done. 

  • Right-click on the start button and navigate to the device manager option in the list. 
  • As you open the device manager windows, choose the Keyboard in the list. 
  • Right-click on the current keyboard and select uninstall. 
  • After clicking on the uninstall tab, press. OK to confirm it. 
  • After you uninstall the keyboard, reboot your PC. Remember to detect the keyboard when you restart your PC again. This process can re-install the drivers to fix your problem. 

3. Check if your system does not have any virus.

  • One of the reasons for this issue is that your system might have a malware that could cause an Esc key issue. So, it’s suggested to use anti-virus software to detect the virus if there is any. 

4. Try the shortcut key shift + escape

Later users used to press only Escape key to exit out of the application Windows. But now the latest updates have switched to Shift + Escape key to operate. Google chrome uses this key to navigate to its internal task manager.

5. Check your keyboard.

Maybe sometimes your system’s keyword is having an issue instead of the operating system. You need to check your system entirely to understand the real justification behind the issue ‘Esc key not working in Windows 10’. You can easily disconnect the keyboard and connect it to the other PC via USB to check it. This way, you can get to know if there is an issue with the keyboard or not. 

6. Execute the keyboard trouble-shooter.

  • Open the settings window and choose Update and Security and then click on troubleshoot on the Window’s left side.
  • Move to the Find and Fix problem option.
  • You will keyboard option in the list. Run it and then check if the Esc key is working or not. 

7. Turn off the filter keys.

  • Please switch to the Control panel and search for ease of access to open it. 
  • Now choose the tab Make the keyboard easy to use in the list. 
  • Move down to check the turn on filter checkbox. Click on apply and press OK to confirm. 

8. Uninstall the latest downloaded software

  • Go to Start, type control panel to open its window. 
  • As the panel window opens, choose the option Uninstall a program. 
  • Now from the software list, you can uninstall any of the software. 
  • Now restart your computer to check if the Esc key is working or not. 

9. Check for dust or exotic material

This can be one of the reasons behind the Esc key not working on your keyboard. Remember to keep the system’s keyboard clean and tidy to avoid the issue in any of the keys. Keep your keyboard clean and safe from any exotic material to keep up the maintenance of the keys. Moreover, you can use restricted air to clean out the dust from your device. If none of the options works out for you, you can change the keyboard to eliminate this issue. 

Conclusion – Fix Esc Key Not Working in Windows 10

The escape key makes it easy for you to move out of any application window with just one-click. As much as it makes your work easier, it can also make you fall into a problem. If you accidentally press the Esc key while working on an important task, then you might lose all the work doing on it. Therefore, the company gives you an option to press Shift + Escape shortcut key to exit from a Windows application. 

We have provided you with many options to choose from if your Esc key is not working on Windows 10. It would be best if you dug into the main reason behind the issue. We have listed down many points, so you can understand the issue and follow the solution accordingly. However, it’s necessary to keep your PC devices safe and secure. If you find anything wrong with the system, immediately understand the issue and resolve it. As you know, the keyboard is one of the most important parts of your PC. It is impossible to manage your computer task without the keyboard. So you need to take good care of the device. The above mentioned is the list of solutions to the issue “Esc key is not working in Windows 10”.

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