Windows 10 Update Pending Install Issue ? (Solved)

Usually, Windows update all the software installed automatically when it’s functional. If you don’t want the installed software to update automatically, you have an option for it. Windows provides you with an option to stop the auto-update and disable the update of the application. This article will tell you about what you need to do if the system shows you the error “Windows 10 update pending install” message. Let’s check what exactly Windows 10 update is all about and then provide you with some easy solutions to get rid of this error message. 

Many of the Windows users are out there who don’t know how to manage the Windows update settings and when such error messages of pending updates show up, they are clueless about it. Usually, there is a problem with the Windows update and download. Therefore before getting into the details of it, let us understand what a Windows update is. 

What is Windows Update? 

Windows update provides its user’s security and protection by upgrading the working and functionality of the Windows operating system. It helps you fix any of the hardware issues and offers better features to make your task easier and interesting. Windows releases it’s a new update every month, and also, if there is an important update, then the company releases it earlier too. 

Fix “Windows 10 Update pending install” error message.

1. Execute the Windows update troubleshoot.

 If you are facing updating the pending install, you must follow the methods given below. 

  • Open the settings option. 
  • Choose the Update and Security option and click on troubleshoot. 

Windows 10 Update pending install

  • As you choose for the troubleshoot option, go for the Windows update tab on the list’s right side. 

Windows 10 Update pending install

  • Execute the troubleshoot option. After the process gets completed, restart your PC to check if the error of Windows pending install is not showing up again. 

Check if the Windows update is not stuck; after completing the process, do not forget to restart your PC to start over with the installation. 

2. Fix the issue manually.

Installing the update manually can be one of the options to avoid the error message. The process is simple, and you have to install the update manually and restart the PC again. 

3. Change Active hours of your PC.

One of the reasons behind the Windows update pending install is that you might have turned off your computer in the active hours. If you shut down your PC during the active hours, Windows will never automatically install the update. To avoid it, you can change the active hours. 

4. Using the Group Policy setting

Now the third option for you is the Group Policy Setting. Using this feature, you can allow immediate update installation. Let’s see how it is done.

  • Write Gpedit.MSc to open up the group policy editor. 
  • Open the computer configuration option. 
  • Choose the policies tab. 
  • It will navigate you to the administrative templates tab. 
  • Now choose the windows components option.
  • Under this category, you will have the option of a Windows update. 
  • This option will allow you to locate the policy setting of Automatic update immediate installation. 
  • Click on the tab twice and enable the settings. 
  • After you enable the settings of the automatic update, then it will immediately install the updates. Also, it will download and install the remaining apps too. 

Using command prompt.

  • By using command prompt, you can manage the pending update error message quickly. 
  • Open the command prompt by searching for it in the search bar. 
  • Right-click on it and run as an administrator. 
  • As the command prompt window opens up, please write a few commands to execute the changes.
  • Write commands

Windows 10 Update pending install

Don’t forget to press the enter key after each command. Restart your computer after making the PC changes to check if the error “Windows 10 update pending install” message is not coming up. 

What is the Windows update status?

It’s important to know about common terms related to Windows update. After knowing how to fix the Windows Update pending install issue, let us learn about these related terms. 

Windows update pending install- 

If there is any important Windows Update, then it will be automatically installed by Windows. If sometimes the update is not very significant, it will notify you to download and install the update. 

Windows update initializing status-

It means that the latest Windows update is installing that will allow you to use better features. 

Windows update downloading status-

At this stage, the update is getting downloaded through the servers. Maybe the downloading gets stuck at some percentage. In that case, you can check out the solutions to fix it. 

Windows update installing status- 

It means that the update is getting installed and is under process. 

Windows update awaiting install status

This status means that there are certain terms and conditions to be fulfilled before installing the update. It might happen because of the pending update, PC inactive time, or you have to restart your computer. 

Conclusion – Fix Windows 10 Update pending install

We hope that this article must have helped you fix the issue of the “Windows 10 update pending install” error message. The above mentioned are a few methods to get rid of this error message. Go through all the methods and choose the most convenient method as per the condition of your PC. In each of the methods, understand the steps clearly and then execute it on the PC to avoid any other issue. 

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