How To Fix Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSoD in Windows 10

Kernel Mode Heap corruption is one of the blue screens of death error that many Windows users usually face. It has been a significant issue for the users as it causes the crash of the system. Before concluding, you have to find out the reason behind the error occurring. If you are facing this issue, make sure that the system’s driver is updated if it does not, then update the drivers for the proper execution of your PC. Sometimes, it’s not an easy task to make out the exact issue and fix it accordingly. But in this article, we will let you know about how to fix the kernel-mode heap corruption error in Windows 10. 

The BSoD is one of the issues that usually occur with the Windows OS system, so you don’t need to worry. You can know about a few solutions to it and apply them as per your preference. Many of you might not be knowing this, but this issue occurs because of software or hardware unsuited. Moving on further, let’s go through all the possible solutions to fix this kernel-mode heap error. 

Fix Kernel Mode Heap Corruption BSoD in Windows 10

Learn to fix the Kernel Mode Heap Corruption error in Windows 10 with the following methods.

1. Install the previous driver manually.

  • Before applying this solution, confirm that your system has both the new and the old variety of the graphic card driver. 
  • Now download display driver uninstaller. 
  • Make sure that the Wi-Fi or Ethernet connection is disconnected. 
  • Now click on Windows + R key to open the Run. 
  • Now write Msconfig and tap on OK. 
  • As the system configuration window opens up, Tap on the boot tab and check for the boot safe option. 
  • Now reboot the system. 
  • After restarting your PC, launch DDU. 
  • Click on the clean option, but you should start it again.
  • Now just open the system configuration window again.
  • Now go to the boot tab and uncheck the safe boot. Apply the option and click on OK to save all the changes. 
  • Install the older variety of the graphic card driver and choose custom install. 
  • Confirm that you only have installed the GPU driver which will uncheck everything else. 
  • Complete the installation. 

2. Repair corrupted system files.

Many times, this error occur due to the corrupted system files in your PC. You need to make sure if your system doesn’t have any such files as later on, it can get you in a big issue. If you want to fix this issue, there are two ways- 

  • Scan your PC with the system file checker. 
  • Scan your system with dism.exe. 

3. Reinstall your Windows system

In case none of the solutions work for you, you can reset or reinstall your Windows system. If you reset your system, then it will restore the working efficiency of your PC. This task will remove all the applications and software that your PC didn’t install. Moreover, it will help you in cleaning up the system junk and duplicate files. If your important data gets deleted while reinstalling the system’s operating system, you can restore your essential data. 

4. Check the graphic card hardware Problems.

  • BSoD also occurs if the graphic card is not compatible or is not in the correct position. 
  • Make sure you must have placed the video card at right PC Lane. A lot of people have reported this issue, but they are unsure if they have put the cards in the correct position. Whenever you are installing the video cards, always remember when you need to place the card. 
  • You can also check and see your motherboard manual to read the proper instructions. 

5. Check the graphic card drivers.

  • Click on Windows + R key to open the Run. 
  • Now type devmgmt. msc to open the device manager. 
  • As you open the device manager page, open the device adapter section.
  • Now select the video card option and update the driver. 
  • After the above step, Tap on “Search automatically for updated driver software”. 
  • Now, wait for the OS to search for the pending updates of the driver software. 
  • Lastly, reboot your system and see for improvement. 


1. How to fix kernel error? 

You can opt for many ways to fix the kernel error – 

  • You can use the third-party repair tool to fix the error issue. 
  • You can update and install your drivers automatically. 
  • Check for the memory slot in your system. 
  • Check for the update and scans for your PC. 

2. What causes an unexpected kernel mode trap? 

There can be two reasons behind this issue; one is the CPU triggered a situation the kernel is not allowed to catch, or the condition is an unrecoverable error. One of the most common reasons is a hardware failure. 

3. What is kernel heap? 

Kernel heap helps the users to identify the problems occurring due to a system crash. Mainly the error is caused due to system drivers or graphic card drivers. Also, it can occur due to hardware incompatibility. 

4. What causes heap corruption?

Heap corruption usually occurs if the program damages the allocator’s view of the heap. The consequences of this problem might be a memory leak or a memory fault that may destroy the allocator itself. 


It would help if you had to get Kernel Mode Heap corruption and fix such an issue. If you face this problem for the first time, don’t worry. Go through all the solutions one by one to pin-point the exact problem occurring in your PC. Though it’s not an easy task to fix the blue screen of death, it’s essential to know the precise reason. 

We hope that this article would have helped in digging out the solution for this issue. Go through each method, research well to get to the correct point. Researching is essential when it comes to fixing your PC error. You cannot perform any fixing solution without knowing how to deal with that particular solution. Also, as we have mentioned, the incorrect placing of the graphic cards can get you in such an error situation; therefore, make sure you have correctly done this.

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