6 Ways To Fix Windows Resource Protection Could Not Perform the Requested Operation

Sometimes while using your computer, the screen suddenly stops responding or freezes. To help you out with these issues, SFC Scan now command tool is such a software that can check if you have interruption or damage to your device. If your device comes across any such situation, then the SFC tool can quickly resolve the problem. But sometimes it may happen that the tool is not working and you end up with no solution.

In this situation, the system shows up the error message “Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation”. Even if the SFC tool is not responding, we still have few solutions for your PC so that the error message does not show up again. Before heading towards the solutions, let’s know why the error message comes up. 

The reason behind the Windows protection error

There is no specific reason behind the issue “Windows resource operation could not perform the requested operation”. Let’s discuss why is this error comes up. 

  • Maybe the SFC tool is not working properly to handle the issue. 
  • There might be a Windows server error. 
  • Maybe the SFC tool is inappropriate. 

These are a few reasons that might cause an issue in your PC, but no worries let go through the methods to deal with an error ” Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation”.

Fix Windows Resource Protection Could Not Perform The Requested Operation

1. Try to operate CHKDSK of your hard disk.

If you come across such an error message, the first step you should take is to check the hard disk condition. Through the CHKDSK scan, you can check the condition of the hard drive easily. This process can help you check the hard drive to ensure it’s not damaged or corrupted. In case the scanning process detects the corrupted hard drive, then it can be the reason for the error message coming up. 

  • Search for the command prompt window from the search bar. 
  • Tap-click on the tab and operate as administrator. 
  • As the command prompt window opens up type chkdsk c:/r and press enter. 
  • To run chkdsk after a restart, press Y through the keyboard. 
  • Now just restart your PC. 

2. Operate the SFC scan tool in safe mode.

If the above solutions do not work out for your PC, then you can choose this solution. Sometimes, the chkdsk scan might not work properly to detect the damaged or corrupted hard drive. In case your system cannot process the above method, then go for this one to avoid the error message “Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation”.

  • In the search bar, just type, MS Config and press enter. Now you have to Wait for the window to open up.
  • As the window page opens up choose the boot tab option at the upper of the window. 
  • Find the ‘safe boot’ option under the boot. 
  • Under safe boot, the tab chooses the ‘minimal’ option and press OK. 
  • Restart your PC to complete the process. 

Now when you are in the Safe mode, try to run the SFC scanner tool. To do so, open the command prompt window and type scan now, and press enter. If still the error is coming up then opt for the next method coming up. 

3. Enhance security descriptors in the Winsxs folder.

Winsxs folder stores bulk of files and documents. Maybe the Scan now tool which is not able to access the folder in your computer, and therefore the error message comes up. So, in this case, try to modify and change the security descriptors of the Winsxs folder. 

  • Search for the command prompt option through the search bar. 
  • Right-Tap on the command prompt and operate as the administrator. 
  • As the command prompt window opens up type, ICACLS C:/ Windows / Winsxs. Now press the enter key. 
  • Now reboot the system to initiate the changes done in the system. 

4. Just Enable Windows module installer

In case you have disabled the option named Windows module installer, then SFC tool might not respond to the error message coming up. Windows module installer updates and install all the software on your Windows PC. If it is disabled, then there may be some issue with your PC. To resolve this issue, let us go through the steps given below. 

  • Press the Windows + R shortcut key to open up the Run box. 
  • Write Service. MSc and press the enter key. 
  • Now you will view the Windows module installer which is available in the list and right-tap on the tab. 
  • Click to start it from the document.

Now again try to operate the SFC tool and ensure that the error ” Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation” is not showing up again. If yes, then try another option. 

5. Operate recovery commands

Suppose none of the above solutions is working out for your system even if the Windows is updated to drive out into the recovery mode to resolve the issue of the error message interrupting your task. We can resolve this issue by allowing the SFC scan tool using the command prompt. Let’s see how it is performed.

  • Restart your computer before performing any operations. 
  • When your PC is restarted, hit the F11 key to enter into the recovery mode. 
  • When you were in recovery mode, then just use the command prompt tool to perform further operations. 
  • As the command prompt window opens up, type SFC / SCANNOW / OFFBOOTDIR=c:\ /OFFWINDIR=c:\Windows and press enter key. 

When the complete process is complete, move our of the recovery mode and try to boot like you usually do in your PC. Using the command prompt tool try to execute the SFC tool to check If the error message is not showing up again. 

6. Run an automatic repair

Did you tried all the solutions, but if the error message “Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation” still occurs, then we have one more solution left for you. Try to execute the above methods but if it’s not working then execute the automatic repair. Let’s see how it is executed. 

  • For this operation, you need to have “Windows 10 bootable installation disk”. 
  • Initiate the media disk and select the ‘repair your computer PC ‘ option on the window’s rear left side. 
  • Choose the troubleshoot tab and select the advanced options. 
  • Operate the start-up repair and wait for the process to complete. 

Once the process is over check if the error message “Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation” is not popping up again. 

Even if the automatic repair method is not working out for you, you need to install the fresh Windows setup to avoid error messages. You can try above all the mentioned solutions to fix the “Windows resource protection could not perform the requested operation ” error message. Check out which one is suitable for your PC and execute it step by step.

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