How to Fix Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service Errors

Adobe products such as Adobe acrobat reader, Photoshop, and illustrator are used widely among users all over the world. But, these products are a little bit expensive, and it’s challenging to find duplicate copies of this software because the Adobe Genuine Software Integrity service ensures that no one can use pirated copies.

If anyone trying to run pirated software, then it shows an error and asks for a legitimate license. If you aren’t using pirated adobe products but still, it’s showing the same error then you don’t need to worry. In this article, we will discuss some steps to fix this issue. 

Fix Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service Errors

Usually, this error is only showing if you are using pirated software, corrupted files, or improper installation. To fix this issue, you need to follow the steps given below: – 

1. If you are using Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner and reinstall it

Many times Adobe products corrupted after installation. You can tackle this problem by reinstalling the Adobe creative cloud or some relevant software. This software is fully compatible with macOS devices as well as windows also. This tool also acts as a cleaner app that can be used to wipe all corrupted data as well as pirated files. Follow these steps to use this tool: – 

  • Firstly, you need to install the Adobe creative cloud cleaner tool from the official website of Adobe. You will see a menu at the bottom of this site which will helps you to how to use this tool. After, this you need to choose your operating system. Click on the download button when you finished the procure of choosing the operating system. 
  • On downloading you will see a command-line window, where you have to choose your language. For example, if you want ‘e’ to select English as your language then you need to type e and press the confirm button or use the enter key from the keyboard. 
  • Now, the details of a license will be showing on your screen. This is the software license that verifies the genuineness of the software from an authorized website. If you want to confirm and continue with this software, then click to confirm, or otherwise, you can exit from using this software by pressing the n key. 
  • At this stage, there will be a list of software that you want to clean from your device and you need to choose at least one among them or select the All option if you want to remove all Adobe software as well as software. Press the enter key to confirm. 
  • Now, the cleaning process is starting and your log files will be saved when this procedure completes. Apart from this, you can also view the progress of tools. 

Once you are done with this whole procedure you should restart your PC. Now, you can reinstall any adobe product that you want to use and there will not be any error if your software is genuine. 

2. Disable the Adobe genuine software integrity service on windows

In this section of the article, we will provide you an effective way to address the error of Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service which will be applied on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. We will use screenshot also so that you can get it easily So let’s start it: – 

  • Step: – 1

First of all, you have to open search options from your windows. You can use this start button from the Windows icon or at the leftist corner of the screen’s bottom. On clicking on the start button there will be a search bar where you have to type services. 

Fix Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service Errors

  • Step: -2 

There will be a list of many services in front of you when you enter in service options. Look at the bottom of the screen there will be an option for “standard”. Choose this option and ready for the next step. 

  • Step: -3 

Now there will be another list of many services and you have to search for “Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service”. It’s very interesting to note that you will find a list according to alphabets so that you can find your software without consuming more time.  On finding Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service right-click on it.

  • Step: -4  

A menu list will be appearing in front of you when you click on Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service. Now use this list to find “property option”. Choose this option and click on that so that a new pop up screen can be seen by you. In this pop screen, you will find a “startup type” option and select this option and confirm the disable options by clicking the ok button. 

Congratulations! You solve the issue of Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service error. 

3. By using the genuine software of Adobe

This is the best way to avoid the error of Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service. As we mentioned above in our article that you have to fix this error if you are using a pirated copy of Adobe software. You shouldn’t care about money if you want quality in the product. You have to spend some money if you want to work on adobe software without any disturbance. The most interesting feature about Adobe products that they are available for a monthly fee and if you are buying the subscription to this software then you can also use the Adobe products on more than one device at a time. The Adobe products are compatible with your iPhone also so that you can enjoy Photoshop.

Conclusion – Fix Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service Errors

Undoubtedly, Adobe products can change your life easier but you should need to use Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service. So, we strongly recommend that you shouldn’t use pirated copies to prevent Adobe Genuine Software Integrity Service error.

Don’t worry if you using genuine software because in this article we give you some steps with a screenshot so that you can solve this issue easily and you can enjoy your experience with Adobe products. We are hoping that we resolved your problems. If you have any other queries, then you are free to contact us. Have a good day! 

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